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所谓实例构造就是指通常的构造函数带参数的和不带参数的,其中不带参数的构造函数又叫做默认构造函数。而类型构造函数又可称为静态构造函数。例如: publicclassCustomer...{publicCustomer()...{...}//instanceconstructor,default
http://www.microsoft.com/china/msdn/library/architecture/BOFforSO.mspx?mfr=true 在上一期专栏文章中,我介绍了资源文件在 .NET 开发中的使用。我将一个 Windows® Forms 应用程序进行了国际化,并将其本地化以适用于使用不同语言的用户。本月我将讨论 ASP.NET 2.0 中网站的本地化。 我假设您熟悉区域性 UI 和区域性设置、CultureInfo 对象、资源文件、ResourceManager 类和自动生成的强类型化资源类。并且,我还假设您基本了解 Microsoft® .NET Framewor ...
http://www.microsoft.com/china/msdn/library/architecture/BOFforSO.mspx?mfr=true ASP.NET 成功的其中一个原因在于它降低了 Web 开发人员的门槛。即便您不是计算机科学博士也可以编写 ASP.NET 代码。我在工作中遇到的许多 ASP.NET 开发人员都是自学成材的,他们在编写 C# 或 Visual Basic® 之前都在编写 Microsoft® Excel® 电子表格。现在,他们在编写 Web 应用程序,总的来说,他们所做的工作值得表扬。 但是与能力随之而来的还有责任,即使是经验丰富的 ASP.NET ...
Introduction A common type of report is the master/detail report, in which the report begins by showing some set of "master" records. The user can then drill down into one of the master records, thereby viewing that master record's "details." Master/detail reports are an ideal ch ...
Introduction As we saw in the previous tutorial, a number of options are available for declaratively passing parameter values to the ObjectDataSource's methods. If the parameter value is hard-coded, comes from a Web control on the page, or is in any other source that is readable by a data source Par ...
Introduction In the last tutorial we looked at displaying data with the GridView, DetailsView, and FormView controls bound to an ObjectDataSource control that invoked the GetProducts() method from the ProductsBLL class. The GetProducts() method returns a strongly-typed DataTable populated with all o ...
传统的ADO与ADO.NET最大的区别在于以ADO.NET存储的RowSets有真正的相互关系。例如,一个DataSet存储包含客户信息的Customers表和客户订单的Orders表,在ADO.NET中,这些表之间可以具有联系,并且重新创建了在关系数据库中的联系。对ADO.NET来说,一旦你再次得到这两个行集合的数据(换句话说,有父子关系的表的数据),并且使他们之间具有联系,你就可以通过给定的Parent来访问所有Rows,同时显示任何一个表(any one DataTable in a grid),或者修改表对象的几行数据,并将修改批量更新到数据库。DataRelation对象最为ADO.N ...
S ometimes all it takes is a little tweak here or there to make your application run much faster. Ah, but the key is figuring out how to tweak it! Sooner or later you'll face a situation where a SQL query in your application isn't responding the way you intended. Either it doesn't return ...
Now that ASP.NET 2.0 is a shipping product, it seems appropriate to revisit an issue that tops the new features wish lists of many developers: a SQL Server™ site map provider. As you probably know, ASP.NET 2.0 vastly simplifies the process of building data-driven site navigation interfaces. You bu ...
使用微软提供的url重写组件urlrewirter可以很轻松的实现URL重写,方法简单如下: 下载urlwriter组件:http://www.microsoft.com/china/msdn/library/webservices/asp.net/URLRewriting.mspx,将该组件方到web application的bin文件夹下。 配置web.config文件: <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?><configuration><confi ...
Credits: This tutorial is written by Volkan. He runs the site Sarmal.com, a bilingual site featuring all his work,products, services,and up-to-date profile information in English and Turkish. If you are developing client-side re-usable scripting objects, sooner or later you will find yourself spott ...
This tutorial is part of a set. Find out more about data access with ASP.NET in the Working withData in ASP.NET 2.0 section of the ASP.NET site at http://www.asp.net/learn/dataaccess/default.aspx. About the AuthorScott Mitchell, author of six ASP/ASP.NET books and founder of 4GuysFromRolla.com, has ...
<head><linktype="text/css"rel="stylesheet"href="style/style.css"/><scripttype="text/javascript"src="js/jsFile.js"></script></head> We commonly load external javascript (*.js) or css (*.css) file on the page with th ...
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